Big Shed – Film TV and Photography Studio Space

Bobby’s back … and apparently he has other fish to fry 🐟😀 .. the legend that is @bobbytongefood catering for all today on a very busy shoot . With @wearespace_insta @mrdomjoyce @nianbrindle @benmcfarlanefilmmaker @dan_guest @duncandisorderlees @stuart.hudson @matthewslucy @alexdovetv @bobbytongefood #bigshedstudio #studiohire #manchesterhirestudio #studiohiremanchester #blackoutstudio #filmstudio #soundstudio #bigshedstudio #studiohire #manchesterhirestudio #studiohiremanchester #filmstudio ...

#bigshedstudio #bigshedstudiomezzanine #studiohire #manchesterstudiohire #studiohiremanchester #manchesterhirestudio #filmstudio #manchesterfilmstudio #greenscreen #chromakey #setlife #setbuild #blackoutstudio #soundstudio #studio#maytheforksbewithyou #arri #aputure #fobastand ...

Fantastic few days at @bigshedstudio with @adrianrayphoto @wearedouble8 @juliajeckellmakeupartist @kerryjones._ @propitcreative @odo_paints with some brilliant industrial sets and awesome lighting. #bigshedstudio #manchesterhirestudio #filmstudio #studiohire #fashionmodel #fashion #aputurelighting #aputurelights #aputure600d #fashionphotography #fashionphotographer ...

Brilliant having @lizardfishtv back in the studio shooting all things sciencey for the @bbc with Dame Maggie Adernin-Pocock and Dr Alex Lathbridge
#bigshedstudio #bigshedstudiomezzanine #studiohire #manchesterstudiohire #studiohiremanchester #manchesterhirestudio #filmstudio #manchesterfilmstudio #greenscreen #chromakey #setlife #setbuild #blackoutstudio #soundstudio #studio#maytheforksbewithyou #arri #aputure #bbc #bbcbitesize

@lensflare_tv in the studio today, shooting some moody surveillance
#bigshedstudio #bigshedstudiomezzanine #studiohire #manchesterstudiohire #studiohiremanchester #manchesterhirestudio #filmstudio #manchesterfilmstudio #greenscreen #chromakey #setlife #setbuild #blackoutstudio #soundstudio #studio#maytheforksbewithyou #arri #aputure #arriamiracamera

Looking good .. blue day up and running. With @pjmortlock @drop_city_ltd @alexdovetv for The Dot Crew. #chromakey #bluescreen #studiohire #bigshedstudio #manchesterhirestudio #studiohiremanchester #filmstudio ...

50 ft Blue back and floor for tomorrow #chromakey #bluescreen #studiohire #bigshedstudio #manchesterhirestudio #studiohiremanchester #filmstudio ...

Behind the scenes at a recent shoot @bigshedstudio with the brilliant @wearedouble8 @adrianrayphoto @kerrydraws_

#bigshedstudio #bigshedstudiomezzanine #studiohire #manchesterstudiohire #studiohiremanchester #manchesterhirestudio #filmstudio #manchesterfilmstudio #greenscreen #chromakey #setlife #setbuild #blackoutstudio #soundstudio #studio#maytheforksbewithyou #arri #aputure #fobastand

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