Big Shed – Film TV and Photography Studio Space

Mezzanine Studio

Don’t require drive-in facilities or the large amount of space our main studio offers? Then our mezzanine studio may be just what you’re looking for.

The mezzanine studio is well suited for smaller to medium sized shoots. At nearly 1000 sq ft it offers a 16ft wide infinity cove with bounce ceiling and pre lit chromakey back drop options. The space is ideal for still life, food and fashion shoots, even small room sets. There is a make up area and changing facilities, as well as lift access for heavy equipment, flats, props and wardrobe. The studio is sound dampened and has daylight option to one side, fridge and brew up facility too. Camera stand, backdrops, Broncolor flash kit and continuous lighting also available upon request.

How big is it?

Overall, it’s 9.5m x 7.9m (31 x 26 ft) with an infinity cove area of W:16ft x D:17ft x H: 13ft

How big is the access door to the studio?

Access is via stairs, but all your gear and props etc. can taken up via lift access through an opening of W:1.4m x H: 2.6m.

Mezzanine cove dimensions
Fork-lift access
Shoots in the mezzanine studio

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